STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO Job Circular has recently been published. According to the job circular, they will recruit STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO in their organization. In this article, we have covered everything about the STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO job circular.
We have written about the published date, application link etc. We have also covered the salary in EUR, location of the job place and other things related to this job for your help. We collected the circular from authentic source. Full details about this job circular has been added in one place here. You can follow this & apply for the STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO job easily.
From here you will get the details of STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO job. Below informations are decorated for you to get all the informations easily. We recommend to go through the post. If you are looking for more govt. or private job circulars, you can visit our category section. We also categorized the job according to the locations, industry etc. So, get rocks with
Synergie recruits people regularly in their organization. The post name of the job is important before applying. Here we have listed the post name(s) of job. We recommend you to check again the job post name. Post name should be chosen according to your passion Ask yourself, What is your passion? after that you should go through for the rest of application procedure.
Educational Qualifications and Experiences
Have you taken a decision about this job post ? If you have chosen your job, then check which qualification is matching with you. Check the below qualifications requirements. If you have these qualifications, you can apply for this post.
Salary Range
The salary range is specified by post name and other factors like company policy. For this post the salary range is 600 to 600 EUR.
For your help, we have divided the job circular in some of the criteria. The first section is decorated with company details and the last section is with the job details.
Organization Details
Here is the details overview of the hiring organization. We have collected it from Careerjet. Check the table below.
Organization Name | Synergie |
Organization Address | Paderno Dugnano, Milano |
Circular Published Date | 25/01/2025 |
Last Date of Application | Not mentioned in the Source |
Job Details
Here are the job details of the STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO Job Circular. Here we have included the vacancy, salary range, job location, and other informations related the this job.
Job Type | Full time |
Job Category | Described in the Job Description below |
No. of Vacancy | Mentioned in the Job Description below |
Salary Range (EUR) | 600 to 600 |
Expected Salary (EUR) | €600 per month |
Job Location | Paderno Dugnano, Milano |
Age Limit for job | Not mentioned but follow the Job Description below , maybe you can find something about Age Limitations |
Gender | Not mentioned but follow the Job Description below , maybe you can find something about gender |
Application Fee | Online Application |
The mighty Job Description of STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO Job Circular
Descrizione aziendaSynergie Italia Spa, filiale di Monza, ricerca per rinomata azienda dedicata a fornire soluzioni innovative di mediazione creditizia per individui e aziende, una figura di:STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICOPosizioneIl/la tirocinante, nel ruolo di addetto/a al controllo qualità, avrà l’opportunità di occuparsi di diverse attività fondamentali per il funzionamento del laboratorio e della produzione.Tra le responsabilità principali:
- campionatura prodotti;
- pesatura materie prime e polveri;
- preparazione campioni per industrializzazione,;
- analisi di controllo qualità materie prime/prodotto mediante utilizzo strumentazione di laboratorio;
- collaborazione con il dipartimento produttivo, per garantire allineamento sulla produzione aziendale.
RequisitiI requisiti per questa posizione includono:
- laurea in Chimica (triennale o magistrale);
- svolgimento attività di laboratorio o tesi sperimentale in ambito di sintesi chimica (preferibile, ma non necessario);
- richiesta nozioni base di sintesi chimiche;
- richiesta buona dimestichezza con la strumentazione di laboratorio.
Precisione, attenzione ai dettagli e capacità organizzative sono essenziali per questo ruolo. Sono gradite ottime doti comunicative e la capacità di lavorare in team, nonché un forte interesse per il settore chimico.Altre informazioniCosa si offre:
- ORARIO DI LAVORO: Full time (40h settimanali) dal Lunedì al Venerdì – dalle ore 9 alle ore 18 – con un’ora di pausa.
- INQUADRAMENTO E STIPENDIO: stage di 6 mesi * 6 mesi, con buone possibilità di assunzione con rimborso spese di 600€ mensili + mensa interna;
- Luogo di lavoro: Paderno Dugnano (MI)
L’offerta è rivolta a candidat? nel rispetto del Dlgs 198/2006 e dei Dlgs 215/2003 e 216/2003.Le persone interessate sono invitate a leggere l’ ex artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. UE 2016/679.Aut. Min. Prot. N. 1207 – SG del 16/12/2004
These are the informations about STAGE – ADDETTO/ADDETTA CQ LABORATORIO CHIMICO Job Circular. To get the latest update, keep in touch with us. If you think, we have the ability to improve, let share your thoughts through the comment section , we will take your feedback seriously and will try to improve.
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